Winona Pitts passed from this life peacefully and with dignity in her home on August 12, 2009 at the age of 85. She was born January 9, 1924 in Cleveland, Ohio to Joseph J. Novak and Liley E. Daves Novak. She was mother to five sons and one daughter. Grandmother of 15 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. The family had a Celebration of Life in Tucson on Saturday, August 22, 2009. And her daughter, Noni Woideck and granddaughter, Erica Woideck hosted an open gathering at the Yarnell Community Center on Saturday, August 29, 2009 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Winona loved living in Yarnell and she enjoyed the friends she made and volunteering in the community. Winona wanted to express her appreciation to everyone that shared her life for the past 10 years. She was preceded in death by sons: William, Darryl, Kevin, and David and grandsons, David & Billy. Winona is survived by son Patrick Pitts of Tuscon, AZ and daughter Winona Woideck of Yarnell, granddaughters: Erica, Kelly, Kim, Kris, Misti, Julie, Tracey and grandsons: Just, Tony, Michael, Kevin & Joey. and 15 great-grandchildren.